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Xero – Journal Examples

Below are various transaction types performed in Idealpos one at a time then sent to Xero as individual Journals.

We’ve tested each transaction with Accruals and Cash Based GST Accounting Methods.

The Cash Based Journals are sent to a Customer in Xero called ‘Cash Debtor’.

The Accrual Based Journals are sent to a Customer in Xero called ‘Accruals Debtor’.


Sale – All Items GST Inc. (Cash & Accrual)

A Sale for $50.00 Inclusive of GST - paid by Cash.



Sale – Items are GST Inc. and Ex (Cash & Accrual)

A Sale for $50.00 Inclusive of GST and $50.00 Exclusive of GST - paid by Cash.



Sales and Refund in different Sales Categories (Cash & Accrual)

A Refund of $10 Beverage and a $10 Sale of Food.



Sale – Split Tendered to Cash and EFTPOS (Cash & Accrual)

A Sale for $50. $25 paid on Cash and $25 paid on EFTPOS.



Sale with EFTPOS Cash-Out (Cash & Accrual)

A Sale for $50.00 Inclusive of GST with a cash-out amount of $10.00.



Sale with Cash and Rounding (Cash & Accrual)

A Sale for $19.97 Inclusive of GST with 2c Rounding as it was paid by Cash.



Sales Reconciliation where a Variance has been entered (Cash & Accrual)

Several Sales totalling $100 in the End of Shift and a Variance of $5 entered as the Cash was less than expected.



Bar Tabs – Post Paid
Sale – Bar Tab (Cash & Accrual)

A $50 Sale was saved to a Bar Tab then paid with Cash.



Bar Tabs – Pre Paid
Pre-Paid Bar Tabs (Cash & Accrual)

A Customer Opened a Bar Tab and want to Pre Pay $500.



Pay for Bar Tab using Pre-Paid Amount (Cash & Accrual)

Accumulated Sales totalling $500 were saved to this Bar Tab. When paid, the pre-paid amount of $500 was applied to the sale.



Refund Transaction (Cash & Accrual)

A Cash Refund for $50.00 Inclusive of GST.



Refund Transaction & Split Tendered (Cash & Accrual)

A Refund on a $50 item and issued $25 Cash and $25 EFTPOS to the customer.



Credit Notes
Refund Transaction & Issue Credit Note (Cash & Accrual)

A Refund on a $50 item and issue a Credit Note.



Credit Note Redeemed (Cash & Accrual)

A Sale of $50 paid with a Credit Note of $50.



Void Mode
Void Mode Transaction (Cash & Accrual)

A Cash Void Mode Transaction for $50.00 Inclusive of GST and $50.00 Exclusive of GST.



Received on Account and Paid Out Functions (Tips In/Out, Paid In/Out)
Tip In - RA Function (Cash & Accrual)

Using the RA and PO Functions for Tips in and Out does not record GST. If you wish to record GST on Tip that have been collected, we recommend using a Stock Item with GST set.


A $10 Tip has been entered and tendered on Cash.



Tip Out - PO Function (Cash & Accrual)

A $10 Tip has been taken out and tendered on Cash.



Paid In - RA Function (Cash & Accrual)

A $20 Paid in has been entered and tendered on Cash.



Paid Out - PO Function (Cash & Accrual)

A $20 Paid Out transaction tendered on Cash.



Gift Vouchers
Gift Voucher Sale (Cash & Accrual)

A Gift Voucher Sale of $100 paid by Cash.



Gift Voucher Redeem (Cash & Accrual)

A Sale of $100 paid by Gift Voucher.



Gift Voucher Sold on Account (Cash & Accrual)

A Gift Voucher Sale of $100 paid on Account.



Gift Voucher Sale and paid by Points (Cash & Accrual)

A Gift Voucher Sale of $100 paid by Points.


No Journal is sent to Xero.


Accounts – Accrual GST Accounting Method
Account Sale (Accrual Basis)

Sale of $50 Inclusive of GST and $50 Exclusive of GST tendered on Account.



Account Part Payment (Accrual Basis)

A part payment of $50 on was applied on Account.



Account Final Payment (Accrual Basis)

A final payment of $50 on was applied on Account.



Account Unallocated Payment (Accrual Basis)

An Unallocated Payment of $50 Inclusive of GST tendered on Account.



Account Over Payment (Accrual Basis)

You cannot do an overpayment on an Account when using the Xero Interface.



If a customer has an invoice owing of $50 and they pay $60, you cannot apply a $60 payment in a single transaction.

Instead, you will need to pay the $50 invoice.

And in a separate transaction, do an unallocated payment of $10 which will put the account in credit.



Account Debit Adjustment (Accrual Basis)

Debit Adjustments are blocked when using the Xero Interface. An example of where it may be required is when a customer has a credit on their account, and the owner wishes to clear the credit and put their balance to zero.



Rather than do a Debit Adjustment, we suggest you clear the credit balance by entering the credit amount through an open stock item as you would when you do a sale.


Account Credit Adjustment (Accrual Basis)

A Credit Adjustment can be performed to adjust an owing balance on an Account.




Accounts – Cash GST Accounting Method
Account Sale (Cash Basis)

Sale of $50 Inclusive of GST and $50 Exclusive of GST tendered on Account.



Account Part Payment (Cash Basis)

A part payment of $50 on was applied on Account.



Account Final Payment (Cash Basis)

A final payment of $50 on was applied on Account.



Account Unallocated Payment – (Cash Basis)

An Unallocated Payment of $50 Inclusive of GST tendered on Account. Note that the GST has not been collected.



Account Debit Adjustment (Cash Basis)

Debit Adjustments are blocked when using the Xero Interface. An example of where it may be required is when a customer has a credit on their account, and the owner wishes to clear the credit and put their balance to zero.



Account Credit Adjustments (Cash Basis)

A Credit Adjustment can be performed to adjust an owing balance on an Account.




Account Over Payment (Cash Basis)

You cannot do an overpayment on an Account when using the Xero Interface.



If a customer has an invoice owing of $50 and they pay $60, you cannot apply a $60 payment in a single transaction.

Instead, you will need to pay the $50 invoice.

And in a separate transaction, do an unallocated payment of $10 which will put the account in credit.